On February 6, the University of Notre Dame began a months-long tribute marking the bicentennial of the birth of her founder, Fr. Edward Sorin, C.S.C.

Through a series of celebrations and events, we will honor the legacy of our beloved founder: from the bold, audacious Holy Cross missionary who started the university, to the wise, unwavering leader whose actions shaped the arc of the University's history in countless ways.

Father Sorin Exhibit

The Father Sorin Bicentennial Exhibit, honoring the legacy of our founder, sponsored by Congregation of Holy Cross, Mission Engagement and Church Affairs, Hesburgh Libraries, and University Archives. Located on the Hesburgh Library Concourse. Available daily until 10:00 p.m. through Dec. 15.

About Fr. Sorin

The founder of Notre Dame was born February 6, 1814 in Anhuille, Mayenne. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1838, and several years later embarked on a mission that led him to found the University of Notre Dame.

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